Play Therapy is a highly effective technique that involves using children’s play interactions to resolve difficulties, encourage growth, and promote healing. Children often are unable to verbally express their feelings. Play is the child’s language and toys are the words used to express and explain a child’s world. Play therapy, conducted by a trained play therapist, offers children the opportunity to process and assess appropriate coping skills, behaviors, and world views.
Find out more about Play Therapy
Sand Tray in play therapy is used as a form of expression in which a child can create a scene using miniature objects and figurines in sand. The scene created can reflect the child’s own inner world and gives the child another medium in which to express themselves and experience healing.
Research tells us that even if a traumatic event occurs at a young age, the body and mind keep the score. These adverse experiences have a negative impact on child development and, without intervention, can have negative impacts on a person’s physical and mental health as they age. Luckily, early intervention is available! We do not have to wait for the brain to be fully developed to verbally process trauma. Much of a traumatic experience, and the symptoms of post-traumatic stress that occur after the experience, are nonverbal and therefore difficult to describe in words for an adult or child.
Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) is a program where you learn to interact with your child in a similar way to how a trained play therapist does. CPRT is a 10-week training program. Parents are taught skills that focus on building a secure bond with their child. You will learn how to “tune in” to and respond to your child’s needs and how to address symptoms. You will also learn skills that are effective in limiting your child’s misbehavior. You then implement the skills in weekly play sessions with your child followed up by weekly feedback and Q&A sessions with your facilitator. During this program you as a parent learn the tenants of play therapy to use at home and daily with your children.
Groups &
At KidsConnect we offer unique therapeutic groups and camps designed to impart social skills and emotional regulation through a blend of engaging, mindful, artistic, and energetic activities. Themes may include coping strategies, self-esteem, handling big feelings, friendship, gratitude, mindfulness, and social skills.